Innovation & QC

Innovation is up most priority

We believe in continuous Research and Development to innovate the best products

Research and Development is a very pertinent practice at Lavish Group as it empowers us to innovate consistently. A robust, controlled, flexible and customizable production process is necessary in order to make innovative ceramic composite materials. This is made possible by our efficient research and development team. For us, innovation is not only about creating a sophisticated product but is also all about adding synergy to the process of procurement, production process, supply chain, marketing, sales, service and eco-friendly production.

To share a success story, the elevation series is an outcome of dedicated research and development as well as strict adherence to quality parameters. An imported module from Spain made our elevation series very popular. This was made possible only because of a dedicated effort made by our team to create a successful product backed with production efficiency. This is why both automation and innovation are two pivotal processes at Lavish Group.

Quality analysis is also a very important part of our production process as we believe in adhering to strict production parameters.

The Strength of Testing Facilities at Lavish R & D Centre.

1 Water of Plasticity Available
2 Residue ( 100#, 200#, 240#, 300#, 325# ) Available Italy
3 Slaking of clay Available
4 Green Modulus of rupture ISO-10545-4 Italy
5 Dry Modulus of rupture ISO-10545-4 Italy
6 Fired Modulus of rupture ISO-10545-4 Italy
7 Dry shrinkage ISO-10545-2 Japan
8 Fired shrinkage ISO-10545-2 Japan
9 Color spectrometry ( L* a b ) SPECTROMETER Japan
10 Water absorption ISO-10545-3 Italy
11 Bulk density ( green / fired ) Mercurimeter Italy
12 Porosity ISO-10545-3 Italy
13 Viscosity Ford cup/ Brookefield Italy
14 Workable electrolyte Available
15 PH Ph Meter Japan
16 T.D.S. T.D. S. Meter Japan
17 Particle size analysis Laser diffraction England
18 Thermal expansion ISO-10545-8 Germany